with intellect, Shirazi Vard the process of reduction is

In general, the more power a person has, the less intelligence he or she has, and if he or she has never shone with intellect,  Shirazi Vard the process of reduction is accelerated. Publicist Vahan Ishkhanyan wrote about it on his Facebook page. "This pattern also applies to the Armenian Revolutionary Authorities. As a result of having absolute power, their minds rapidly go down to zero, and  Shirazi Vard there is a danger of going beyond zero levels of insanity, otherwise the artists who signed up for Robert Kocharyan"s release would not be in a state of cobwebs, has changed. "

"Yes, they give terrorists a chance to refuse their signature by pretending to be unaware of the text (as if it were an indisputable text that does not call into question the accusation, but urges that Kocharyan"s restraint be changed, released, continued to prosecute, or continue the trial) or Another would say that  Shirazi Vard they had signed without asking. Yes, instead of intimidating, they would have thought that how they, the big mass shows, whose success depends on the number of applause and spectators, signed a letter that it wasn"t to the revolutionary prime minister that six months ago these same artists would not sign it, so , Situation Has Changed, Knowing that Dispute with Revolution Will Not Lose Shirazi Vard  Audience, Public Trial Demonstrates Pashinyan Versiian Bankruptcy of March 1, That Sitting on Defendant"s Seat No Crime On the contrary, the information about the open trial, and the ever-swirling March 1 footage shows that the president saved the country from catastrophic chaos by imposing a state of emergency and neutralizing the army and that this is no trial, disaster-prevention accountant that artists sign their change of minds of the broader public, as well as the moods of their fans, so that they will better understand what makes the country uneasy after these calls and how If any judge tries to be just, he will be intimidated. Yes, let"s say 60 artists have withdrawn their signatures, but it is not possible to force people to take back their growing distrust and decline of faith in the government, moreover, any intimidation will only  Shirazi Vard deepen the distrust, ”wrote Vahan Ishkhanyan.